Sunday, July 28, 2019

I'm Tired Already

It's Sunday and I'm on my second cup of coffee, sitting here in my church clothes because I didn't realize what time it was and got dressed early. I usually wait until the very last minute on Sunday because I like to milk it for all it's worth. 

Not today, I guess! 

This Sunday officially marks ONE WEEK until we really go back to school. 

Who's excited?

Now, I worked in my classroom two days last week and, thanks to my lovely principal, was able to go in for a little while before I left to traipse around NYC. I got my furniture moved on the first day and these other days have been about unpacking, organizing, reorganizing, throwing away, buying new get the picture. 

As stressful as it can be, I absolutely love the "going back to work" process. I love my clean and shiny floor that I'm totally going to mess up when I shove my giant desk all the way across the room. I love new supplies and shopping for new supplies. I love getting rid of things I know I'm not going to use but also stashing things I know I'll never use but I keep "just in case". 

The whole act of setting up my classroom for my new littles is so much fun. There's a bit of a thrill that comes with them seeing the room for the first time and realizing that it's "their space". (I'm a little obsessed with my classroom, if you can't tell.) 

I know it's not all about the decor or what's hanging on the wall, though. I try to make my room fun and inviting, but also functional. As a self-diagnosed person with OCD I live for organization. One of my favorite things is to find a nice flow for my room, as well as think of all the things that can happen in each little nook and cranny. I plan centers, group activities, all kinds of my head. 

Hence the title of this post. 

Y'all, this is exhausting! 

It's all-consuming and SO MUCH FUN. Last night, while hanging out with friends at an end-of-summer get together, I heard myself say "I'd rather be at home laminating". 

I've gotten a jumpstart on all of this fun stuff and I can't wait to share it with my new students. This will be my second year teaching Gifted/Cambridge students and I'm looking forward to growing more in my teaching style and seeing what I can learn from them. 

This year is Lucky 13 for and it can only get better...right? 

Good luck to all of you heading back soon. You've got the future in your hands. No pressure. 

Find me on social media or help out my classroom: 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What Counts

I'm sitting here on a Wednesday night, after our very last faculty meeting of the year. After proctoring 3rd grade FSA testing this morning. After receiving my END OF YEAR CHECKLIST and HOLY SHIT, there are only fourteen days left of school?!

I know everyone is really excited and happy because YAY SUMMER but, y'all...I'm sad.

Now, if you've followed this blog you know that my twelve years of teaching have not always been easy. Most of the time I get the babies who need a little tough love and I give it to them. I sometimes whine and complain about it, but every year I know I'm changed because of the kids in my class. I know that they are put with me for a reason. Sometimes that reason is for me to grow as a teacher even though it also feels like I'm being tested.

Either way, we're supposed to learn and grow as teachers. If we don't, then why are we doing what we're doing? There's no point in doing the same thing we've always done when we get new students every year. When those students are different every year.  And, not only that, they are different from each other. (Trust me, I have identical twins and, wow, are they different.)

This year, despite its challenges, because there are always challenges, has been my best year. I took on some extra things outside of the classroom, but inside the class has been...really good? Not perfect, but really, really good.

Guys. I'm really sad this year is over. Look, I know my class is basically hand-picked from the best of the best but that doesn't mean that the kids are perfect. We've definitely had ups and downs and have had some "come to Jesus" moments, but for the most part I can't complain about these kids. They are smart, funny, , quick, weird...I can keep listing adjectives, but you get the idea.

I'm sitting here getting ready to start my end-of-year awards and picture presentation and I just keep thinking about how much I'm going to miss these kids! I don't get emotional, y'all know this, right? If I cry it's at books or Publix commercials in the privacy of my own home. I'm the one who makes fun of the people crying! (I'm getting a little choked up right now.)

I've learned a lot this year, like every year. Teaching advanced students is, in a sense, the same as teaching average or below average students. They still need to be enriched, challenged, and taught. I've enjoyed learning how to teach them this year and getting to know them and their special little personalities. Even their inability to go one day without talking about farting.

Fourteen days left? I hope they're good to you. I hope this year has been good to you, and that you've been good to your kiddos. That's what matters, right?

Make your last days count. I'm going to try.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What Good Teachers Do

I debated writing this post for a few reasons that may only make sense to me.

A. I don't want you to think I know what good teachers do because I think I'm a good teacher. (Also, I don't want you thinking I'm fishing for compliments. I am not.)

B. I don't want you to think I'm talking about you?

Okay, so. What do good teachers do? I'm sure if you ask any teacher they are going to give you a lot of different answers, because I don't think there is just one thing that good teachers do. Do good teacher follow the curriculum or do they follow their heart? Why can't they do both? Is there a book a about good teaching? Sure! Are there a lot of books about good teaching? Probably.

Have I read any of them? No.

I know. I love to read, but I'm just not good at reading self-help and informational text.

I think that good teachers care, and not because they feel like they have to. We all have those students that push our buttons and get on our nerves and basically drive us up the wall. Those are the ones we should care about most because those are the ones who need it the most. Does it always work like that? Absolutely not. Sometimes, even as adults, it's hard to muster the strength to care about someone when it seems like their sole purpose is to make you miserable. Should we always try? Yeah, I guess.

Investing in your kids. This may kind of seem like showing kids you care, but maybe it isn't. Maybe I'm really tired and shouldn't be blogging right now. By investing I mean more than hugging and talking to. Engage in an actual conversation. Show up at one of their extra event. Have lunch with them (UGH, lunch bunch). Work with them, encourage them, tell them you're proud of their accomplishments. There are so many ways we can invest in our kids and some of us are just not doing it. These kids, the little ones in our care right now? They are the future. This is it. It is literally right in front of us. Don't we want to make it better than it is right now?

Show up. Show up for work. Show up for life. Bring your best self. No matter what you're going through out in the real world. Trust me, I KNOW that shit gets hard. You don't have to tell me that there are things that you just can't control. But sometimes we just need to pick ourselves up and show up.

These past few days I've been out of my classroom to facilitate academic progress meetings. I've been sitting with other teachers and talking about other students and, damn, I miss my kids. This is probably the first year where I say things like that. I'm more frustrated by not being with my kids than I am about writing sub plans.

I miss showing up for them, you know? I've been greeting them before my meetings and checking in at lunch and recess, but it isn't the same. This year's group of kids is so funny and real and I've really been missing that time with them.

Well, I've kind of enjoyed bothered the front office people and yelling at people to "get out of my office", too, but it isn't the same as watching a little one learn, explore, and just enjoy life. (I hope they are enjoying life?)

Teachers. We only have a day and a half before spring break. After that, the end is nigh.

Show up for your kids. Love them. Invest in them. Yell at them if you need to, but make sure they know why.

Be good, okay?

Also, you got this.

Everything is (not) Fine

I just took my melatonin, so I'm not sure how this is going to go. Anywho. *cracks knuckles* Let's get started.  My God, teaching is...