Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top Ten Reasons to Date a Teacher

A while back everyone was crazy about this blog: Don’t Date a Girl Who Teaches

I admit it, it was cute and funny and totally true. Teachers are nuts and you should probably stay away from us. We get super involved in our work and can’t seem to think about anything else from time to time. Sure, that sounds okay to some, but sometimes it can be a little…unhealthy. Not that we can really tell if something is unhealthy anyways, we love our jobs. It’s just that simple.

Anyhow, while thinking about that blog and how great my job is, it dawned on me: teachers are awesome. Of course you should date one. And marry her, too. (Hint.) Here are some reasons why. In no particular order except that I wanted to do this Top Ten style, huzzah. (These are all ridiculous and for funsies, too, okay?)

10. Victory dances. I love to dance. In my classroom we celebrate small victories with dances. Get that math problem right? Dance it out. Answer that question correctly? Dance like nobody’s watching. Think about how awesome it would be to have someone celebrate you with victory dances all the time. (Totally awesome, I know.)
Sadly, all victory dances look like this.
9. I’m a good band-aid putter onner. You got a boo-boo? I’ll fix it! Unless you’re gushing blood or missing a limb, then I’ll most likely write a nurse pass for you.

8. Singing! Singing is even higher than dancing for me. Sometimes I sing responses to questions or even directions. Sometimes it’s really annoying, but most of the time it’s adorable.
It really could go either way...
7. You’ll never want for office supplies. Now, don’t take this like I steal them, okay? Mostly I come home with paperclips, pens, Expo markers, and highlighters in my pocket. I’d let you keep them! Other things I come home with in my pockets may include: erasers, toys, rubber bands, small children’s jewelry, coins, and hair clips.

6. Your grammar skills will increase. I’m a teacher, so that will most likely be because I watch over your shoulder as you text/email/converse/write and tell you to fix things so you don’t sound like an idiot. Wouldn't I be helpful?
Don't be this guy.
5. More free stuff! Who doesn’t love free stuff? As part of my job perks, I get a ton of candy on major holidays (and my birthday!), so I’d totally share that with you.

4. Mom’s love me. This is probably because they think I love children and would make an excellent mother to a brood of grandchildren. I mean, this is partly true. Maybe. I think.
This one just made me laugh.
3. Entertainment! Look, I don’t spend my days with children and not have something awesome to talk about. Not a day goes by when one of those little whippersnappers doesn’t do something utterly hilarious (also: ridiculous) that I must share with everyone I know. Kids are funny and they make my life more interesting. Hey, this could be our life. ;)

2. Cheap dates. Spending all day with children is exhausting. I’d probably fall asleep through dinner or a movie. Give me a nice glass of wine and I’m good, you know? (Please note: cheap is not equal to easy.)

1. I look adorable in a cardigan. Also, I have plenty of them.

Not an actual picture of my closet. My cardigans are clearly color coordinated. ROY G. BIV and all that...

So, there you have it. Ten reasons to date a teacher. Sure, they’re a little ridiculous, but so is life so get over it. Dating a teacher could be totally fun! We are great story tellers, always have a pen when you need one, and can communicate multiple feelings with just the raise of an eyebrow.

Tell your friends: teachers are cool. 

Letterman would probably agree. Maybe.

PS - Thanks to SS for helping and making me laugh. 

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